- Scouted LaSalle St, heart of Chicago’s financial district, with art director.
- Decided on elevated, “commanding” viewpoint. The 6th floor balcony of the Rookery building offered a unique location for model.
- Handled for all permissions and fees.
- Rookery’s window absolutely could not be opened nor was model allowed on balcony.
- Rented 150 ft boom lift to serve as stable shooting platform for photographer and AD.
- Combined different exposures to bring widely varying light levels into balance in post.
- Activity on the street quickly died before ideal lighting was achieved. Flags had been taken down.
- Composited flags from early in the shoot plus people and traffic from multiple images to bring street “back to life.”
- Enhanced Chicago Board of Trade letters so they were readable.
- Removed distracting dent in balcony railing.
- Shot model in studio with lighting and perspective to seamlessly blend him into scene. Stylist made sure he looked perfect.
- Result: a dramatic, effective, believable image that could never have been shot in real life.